About Us
About the Department

The Department of Physics & Energy Sciences is devoted to excellence in both teaching and research.
We want our students to succeed and build fruitful careers. We involve undergraduate, master's, doctoral, and high school students in our research. Students will have access to state-of-the-art research labs with over $5 million worth of equipment in our facilities.
The department offers bachelor, master's, and doctoral programs.
Academic Focus
Bachelor of Science in Physics
The Bachelor of Science program in physics is designed to help students attain their professional goals in physics.
Four options within the Bachelor of Science program enable students to achieve their particular educational objectives: traditional physics, solid state physics, energy science, and secondary education.
Master of Science in Physics
The Master’s program provides a high-quality educational experience for students who seek coursework and/or an advanced degree in physics.
Integrally linked to this purpose is our intent that the Master of Science degree enhances our undergraduate program while it complements related graduate programs at UCCS.
Finally, a graduate program provides students with research opportunities that utilize the latest methodologies and equipment.
PhD in Physics
Our PhD program offers students unique opportunities to carry out work and research at the forefront of physics in areas of Condensed and Soft Matter Physics.
Our research is both experimental and theoretical. We do experimental research in the areas of magnetism, magnetic nanostructures (under the Center for Magnetism and Magnetic Nanostructures), plasmonics, nanobiophotonics, liquid crystals, and surface physics. Theoretical research is conducted in the areas of magnetism, nonlinear effects, and chaos.
Department Faculty & Research

The Department houses numerous centers that provide collaborative spaces for research, education, and innovation, including:
- Center for Magnetism and Magnetic Nanostructures
- UCCS BioFrontiers Institute
- Center for Advanced Technologies and Optical Materials
- Center for Plasmonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials.
Each center specializes in distinct fields of study, offering exceptional research prospects for scholars and academic groups.