Research & Initiatives
Research Interests

Our Department carries out work and research at the forefront of both Theoretical and Experimental Physics in the following areas:
- Solid State and Quantum Physics
- Fundamental Magnetism, Spintronics, and Magnetic Devices
- Nanotechnology and plasmonics
- Liquid Crystals and applications
- Bio-Physics
- Nonlinear physics and chaos
The Department’s research is spearheaded by four unique research centers and state-of-the-art facilities, see below.
Our experimental equipment includes ultrahigh vacuum systems for the deposition and characterization of thin films, a Scanning Electron Microscope with e-Beam lithography, an X-ray diffraction system, 3D printing facilities, electromagnetic characterization tools covering microwave, infrared, and visible wavelength ranges, Ultrafast MOKE and Brillouin Light Scattering spectroscopy setups, confocal and superresolution microscopes, cell culturing, and fluorescence spectrometer.
Theoretical work is supported by local CPU and GPU computing nodes. Researchers have access to the NSF-funded UCCS high-performance computing cluster INCLINE.