Physics & Energy Science
About the Department

Physics is the scientific study of the fundamental principles that govern the behavior of matter, energy, space, and time. Our department conducts a broad range of experimental and theoretical research in the areas of Solid State and Quantum Physics, Magnetism, Nanotechnology, Liquid Crystals, and Bio-Physics.
We are strongly devoted to excellence in both teaching and research. Here are some examples:
- Two faculty members have been recently awarded with Early Career grants from NSF and DOE
- Six Teaching Awardees (LAS Outstanding Teaching Award, UCCS Outstanding Teacher Award)
- Two faculty members have been named as CU Distinguished Professors, the highest honor possible for a University of Colorado professor
- Four members of the department have won college and/or campus-wide Research Awards
- Four members of the department have been named "CU Inventor of the Year"
- We involve undergraduate, Masters, PhD and high school students in our research
- The department has over $6 million in research equipment and state-of-the-art research labs
Notice for INDS 1050
Our Research

The Department houses numerous centers that provide collaborative spaces for research, education, and innovation, including:
- Center for Magnetism and Magnetic Nanostructures
- UCCS BioFrontiers Institute
- Center for Advanced Technologies and Optical Materials
- Center for Plasmonics, Nanophotonics and Metamaterials.
Each center specializes in distinct fields of study, offering exceptional research prospects for scholars and academic groups.
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