Graduate Courses

Graduate Courses

Survey of classical mathematical physics. Includes complex variable theory, boundary value problems, Green’s functions, matrices, and vector spaces, and the use of numerical methods for solving physical problems. Prer., PES 3250 or equivalent.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

Advanced lab on the measurement of fundamental properties of solids. Includes introduction to vacuum and thin film technologies. One lecture and one lab session per week. Meets with PES 4150.

  • 2 Credits

Introduction to thin film deposition and characterization. Facilities include evaporation, sputtering, Auger electron spectroscopy, ellipsometry and scanning electron microscopy. Coreq., PHYS 5490

  • 1 Credit

An introduction to methods of solving physics problems via computers. Topics include molecular dynamics, calculation of electromagnetic fields, electronic states, Monte Carlo methods applied to statistical mechanics and quantum systems. Prer., CS 1050 or equivalent.

  • 3 Credits

Topics include nonlinear oscillators, generation of harmonics, bifurcations, limit cycles, chaos solitons, fractals, synchronization, pattern formation and self-organized criticality. Applications include solitons for communication, self-induced transparency, nonlinear generation of visible light, stripes on tigers, earthquake frequency, and nonlinear magnetism.

  • 3 Credits

Course covers the fundamentals of magnetism, magnetic materials, and modern magnetic applications. Topics include various magnetic interactions, dynamic behavior of magnets (spin waves), domain walls, and experimental techniques. Applications include magnetic memories, MRI, wind-powered generators, magnetic inks, and giant magnetoresistance.

  • 3 Credits

An introduction to equilibrium statistical mechanics. Topics include classical or Boltzman statistics, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics, partition functions and ensembles. Also included are applications to the liquid and solid states.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

An introduction to the physics of materials. Topics will include crystallography and defects, phase diagrams, phase transformations, diffusion, mechanical properties, and electrical properties.

  • 3 Credits

Theory of solids including crystal structure, x-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, phonons, elastic and thermal properties of insulators, free electron Fermi gas, band structure (Kronig-Penney model, Bloch’s theorem, tight-binging approximation, k*p model) and Fermi surface (Harrison construction, Landau levels). Prer., PES 3310 and PES 3320. Meets with PES 4460.

  • 3 Credits

Theory of solids including superconductors, magnetic materials (diamagnets, paramagnets, ferromagnets, and antiferromagnets), dielectrics and ferroelectrics. Theory of electronic (plasmons, polaritons, and polarons) and optical (excitons) excitations, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures. Meets with PES 4470. Prer., PES 4460 or PHYS 5460.

  • 3 Credits

An introduction to the solid state physics of surfaces and interfaces including structural, thermodynamic and electrical properties. Gas-surface interactions and characterization techniques will also be examined.

  • 3 Credits

A broad survey of the physics of thin films (emphasizing nucleation and growth) and common techniques for the production and characterization of thin films. Meets with PES 4490.

  • 3 Credits

This is a mathematically rigorous course on optics for Physics major graduates. Prer., PES 3310, PES 3320, PES 4510; Graduate standing.

  • 3 Credits

Investigates the theoretical and experimental basis for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The concept of four dimensional space-time is introduced through Special Relativity. The concept of curved space-time is presented using the mathematics of tensors. Open to graduate students only. Prer., PES 2130. Meets with PES 4600.

  • 3 Credits

Basic stellar astronomy and astrophysics. H-R diagrams. Principles of stellar structure including energy generation and energy transport. Stellar formation and evolution to compact objects.

  • 3 Credits

Various topics in physics, astronomy and energy science of interest to K-12 teachers. Consult your advisor to see if this course applies to your academic program.

  • 0.5 to 4 Credits

Various topics in physics, and related fields.

  • 1 to 6 Credits

Various topics in physics, and related fields.

  • 1 to 6 Credits

Variational principles, Lagrange’s equations, Hamilton’s equations, motion of a rigid body, relativistic mechanics, transformation theory, continuum mechanics, small oscillations, Hamilton-Jacobi theory.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

Quantum phenomena, relation to classical physics, Schroedinger and Heisenberg picture, application to problems, approximation techniques; angular momentum; scattering; theory; Pauli spin theory; radiation theory; relativistic wave equations with simple applications; introduction to field theory and second quantization. Prer., PES 4260.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

Quantum phenomena, relation to classical physics, Schroedinger and Heisenberg picture, application to problems, approximation techniques; angular momentum; scattering theory; Pauli spin theory; radiation theory; relativistic wave equations with simple applications; introduction to field theory and second quantization.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

Applications of Maxwell’s equations to electrostatic and magnetostatic properties of matter, conservation laws. Prer., PES 3310, PES 3320 or equivalent.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

Electromagnetic fields; applications of Maxwell’s equations to electromagnetic wave propagation, and fundamental properties of light; relativistic electrodynamics, radiation theory. Prer., PHYS 331-332, or equivalent.

Core class in the PhD program.

  • 3 Credits

Stresses application to the solid state of physical concepts basic to much of modern physics, single- particle approximation and the energy-band description of electron states in solids, pseudopotential theory applied to ordered and disordered systems dynamical behavior of electrons in solids, lattice dynamics, Hartree-Fock and random-phase approximation in solids, many-body aspects of magnetism, and superconductivity. Prer., Graduate students only.

  • 3 Credits

Stresses application to the solid state of physical concepts basic to much of modern physics, single-particle approximation and the energy-band description of electron states in solids, pseudopotential theory applied to ordered and disordered systems, dynamical behavior of electrons in solids, lattice dynamics, Hartree-Fock and random-phase approximation in solids, many body aspects of magnetism, and superconductivity. Prer., Graduate students only.

  • 3 Credits

Various topics such as group theory in quantum mechanics, collision, astrophysics, surface physics, magnetism.

  • 3 Credits

These courses are usually taught on a one-time basis. The subject matter will change from year to year and will cover an important but rarely taught subject in history. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Inclusiveness (Global/Diversity).

  • 1 to 6 Credits

PhD dissertation. Prer., Enrolled in Physics PhD-Applied Sciences.

  • 1 to 12 Credits

Independent Study: Graduate

  • 1 to 6 Credits

Candidate for Degree

  • 0 Credits