Upper-division Courses

An Anticipated Schedule for the upper-division undergraduate courses can be found:

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A classic look at stellar characteristics, the structure and content of our galaxy and the universe in a rigorously mathematical fashion. The theory of stellar spectra is stressed along with stellar distances, magnitudes, and stellar evolution on the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram. Prer., PES 2130.

  • 3 Credits

Special relativity, development of wave-particle duality, atomic structure, Schroedinger wave equation, the hydrogen atom, atomic and molecular spectra, introduction to the solid state and band theory. Prer., PES 2130.

  • 3 Credits

An introduction to using computers to solve physics problems and to plot results. The class will be taught using Mathematica and will include problems from mechanics, electricity, waves, and modern physics. Nonlinear physics and chaos theory will also be covered. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 3 Credits

Teaches the methods and procedures of experimental physics at an advanced level, including such topics as physical optics, high resolution spectroscopy, and energies of radioactive decay products.

  • 2 Credits

Design and operation of devices for modern physics experiments. Interfacing computers with real world experiments. Requires a knowledge of Labview. Prer., PES 2150 or PES 2160.

  • 2 Credits

Design and operation of devices for modern physics experiments. Interfacing computers with real world experiments. Requires a knowledge of Labview. Prer., PES 2150.

  • 2 Credits

Newtonian mechanics, oscillations, Lagrange’s and Hamilton’s equations, central forces, scattering, and rigid body motion. Employs vector analysis and calculus. Prer., PES 2130; Prer., or Coreq., MATH 2350.

  • 3 Credits

Survey of mathematical methods as preparation for advanced physics and engineering courses. Includes vector calculus, partial differential equations, special functions, Fourier analysis, and generalized functions such as the Dirac delta function.

  • 3 Credits

Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, polarized media, direct and alternating current theory, and introduction to electromagnetic fieldsand waves. Prer., PES 2130 and MATH 2350.

  • 3 Credits

Continuation of PES 3310. Elements of the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism, including electrostatics, magnetostatics, polarized media, direct and alternating current theory, and an introduction to electromagnetic fields and waves. Prer., PES 3310.

  • 3 Credits

Statistical mechanics applied to macroscopic physical systems; statistical thermodynamics; classical thermodynamic systems; applications to simple systems. Relationship of statistical mechanics to thermodynamics. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 3 Credits

Nuclear structure, radioisotopes, nuclear reactions, fission, and fusion. Emphasis on nuclear power production and its environmental impact. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 3 Credits

A survey of the technology of wind energy conversion, including climatic aspects, site selection and tower height, generator and propeller design, control systems, and legal aspects.

  • 3 Credits

Standing waves on strings and in cavities, sound spectra, solutions to the 3-dimensional D’alembert equation in cylindrical equation in cylindrical coordinates with applications to modeling wind instruments and loudspeakers. Prer., PES 2130, MATH 2350.

  • 3 Credits

Course covering subjects of current interest on a one-time basis. Consult Course Search on the UCCS website or the MyUCCS Portal for titles.

  • 1 Credit

Course covering subjects of current interest on a one-time basis. Consult Course Search on the UCCS website or the MyUCCS Portal for titles. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 1 to 3 Credits

Advanced laboratory on the measurement of fundamental properties of solids. Includes introduction to vacuum and cryogenic technologies. One lecture and one laboratory session per week. Prer., PES 2150 and 3130. Meets with PHYS 5150.

  • 2 Credits

Introduction to thin film deposition and characterization. Facilities include evaporation, sputtering, Auger electron spectroscopy, ellipsometry and scanning electron microscopy. Coreq., PES 4490.

  • 1 Credit

Advanced experiments in classical and modern physics are selected to accompany and supplement the previous semester lecture course in Optics, PES 4510. Among other topics, this rigorous lab course covers the emission and propagation of coherent and incoherent light, fiber optical devices, nonlinear optical effects, and introduction to devices and spectroscopic techniques based on modern optics. Optics lecture is not a prerequisite. Prer., Junior or Senior standing.

  • 2 Credits

A sophisticated treatment of quantum mechanics including the Schroedinger equation, wave mechanics, hermitian and unitary matrices, the hydrogen atom, angular momentum and spin. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 3 Credits

Continuation of PES 4250, time dependent and time dependent perturbation theories, the WKB approximation, variational principle and scattering. Prer., PES 4250.

  • 3 Credits

Study of the fundamental principles of celestial mechanics including Kepler’s laws, Newton’s laws, and the two-body problem. Study of celestial coordinate systems, time keeping, and computation of orbits from observations as well as an introduction to perturbation theory. Prer., PES 2130, MATH 2340.

  • 3 Credits

An introduction to the physics of materials. Topics will include crystallography and defects, phase diagrams, phase transformations, diffusion, mechanical properties, and electrical properties. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 3 Credits

Theory of solids including crystal structure, x-ray, neutron and electron diffraction, phonons, elastic and thermal properties of insulators, free electron Fermi gas, band structure (Kronig-Penney model, Bloch’s theorem, tight-binging approximation, k*p model) and Fermi surface (Harrison construction, Landau levels). Prer., PES 3310 and PES 3320. Meets with PHYS 5460.

  • 3 Credits

Theory of solids, including superconductors, magnetic materials (diamagnets, paramagnets, ferromagnets, and antiferromagnets), dielectrics and ferroelectrics. Theory of electronic (plasmons, polaritons, and polarons) and optical (excitons) excitations, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures. Prer., PES 4460. Meets with PHYS 5470.

  • 3 Credits

An introduction to the solid state physics of surfaces and interfaces including structural, thermodynamic and electrical properties. Gas-surface interactions and characterization techniques will also be examined. Prer., PES 3130.

  • 3 Credits

A broad survey of the physics of thin films (emphasizing nucleation and growth) and common techniques for the production and characterization of thin films. Prer., PES 3130. Meets with PHYS 5490.

  • 3 Credits

An advanced undergraduate treatment of topics in geometrical, physical, and quantum optics. Prer., PES 2130 and either PES 3130 or 3310.

  • 3 Credits

Investigates the theoretical and experimental basis for Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. The concept of four dimensional space-time is introduced through Special Relativity. The concept of curved space-time is presented using the mathematics of tensors. Open to juniors and seniors only. Prer., PES 2130. Meets with PHYS 5600.

  • 3 Credits

Basic stellar astronomy and astrophysics. H-R diagrams. Principles of stellar structure including generation and energy transport. Stellar formation and evolution to compact objects. Prer., PES 3060 and PES 3410.

  • 3 Credits

Presentation methods in physics. Students present on a wide variety of topics in physics culminating in a formal presentation by the student on a current research topic. Student is graded by a faculty panel on his/her presentation, defense of topic and general knowledge of physics. Approved for LAS Oral Communication requirement. Approved for Compass Curriculum requirement: Summit. Prer., Senior status in physics or consent instructor.

  • 2 Credits

Special experimental or theoretical research project in a field of physics or physics-related energy science. Project to be chosen in conjunction with instructor and should represent a new contribution to knowledge in the field, or a repetition of current experimental research, or a literature search and demonstrated knowledge of current theoretical research. a written report is required. Prer., Senior status in department and permission of instructor.

  • 3 Credits