Ezio Iacocca, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor Department of Physics and Energy ScienceORCID
Personal website
Areas of interest
Theoretical and numerical magnetism. I study four broad areas:
- Ultrafast magnetism and picosecond dynamics of magnetic materials subject to an intense, femtosecond optical excitation.
- Magnonics, focusing on the spin wave dispersion in two dimensional frustrated arrays, or artificial spin ices.
- Spin hydrodynamics for long-distance spin transport and the study of nonlinear magnetization dynamics.
- Physics-informed machine learning applied to physical modeling and discovery of functional materials.
Ph.D., University of Gothenburg, Sweden
M.Sc., Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
Recent publications
K. Rockwell, J. Hirst, T. A. Ostler, and E. Iacocca, Pseudospectral Landau-Lifshitz description of magnetization dynamics, Phys. Rev. B 104, L180404 (2024)
G. Alatteili, V. Martinez, A. Roxburgh, J. C. Gartside, O. G. Heinonen, S. Gliga, and E. Iacocca, Gænice: a general model for magnon band structure of artificial spin ices, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 589, 171603 (2023)
E. Iacocca, T. J. Silva, and M. A. Hoefer, Breaking of Galilean invariance in the hydrodynamic formulation of thin film ferromagnets, Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 017203 (2017)
NSF Standard Grant 2205796 (2022 - current)
DOE Early Career Award DE-SC0024339 (2023 - current)
Review articles
S. Gliga, E. Iacocca, and O. G. Heinonen, Dynamics of reconfigurable artificial spin ice: towards magnonic functional materials, APL Materials 8, 040911 (2020)
E. Iacocca and Mark A. Hoefer, Perspectives on spin hydrodynamics in ferromagnets materials, Phys. Lett. A 383, 125858 (2019)