

Center for Magnetism and Magnetic Nanostructures

Brillouin Light Scattering


  • JRS Scientific Instruments Tandem Fabry-Perot Interferometer TFP-1 (frequency range 0 - 1000 GHz)
  • Conventional backward-scattering with wavevector resolution in BV and DE configurations
  • Micro-focused setup with 100X 0.75NA Objective and travel range of 120um
  • Nd:Vanadate laser operating at 532 nm
  • Hitatchi photomultiplier with dark current less than 2 counts per second
  • Two electromagnets with magnetic fields up to 8 kG (micro-focused setup) and 3kG (wavevector-resolved setup)
  • Integrated Picoprobe station with two ports for the micro-focused setup

Ferromagnetic Resonance

MokeMeasures microwave absorption in order to characterize various magnetic properties.





Giant Magneto-Resistance

gmrMeasures electrical resistance as a function of applied field in exchange-coupled magnetic films.





Microwave Measurements System

MicrowaveSystem for the microwave characterization of on-wafer devices up to 110 GHz.


  • Performance Network Analyzer (PNA) E8361A (0-67 GHz)
  • Millimeter Head Controler (N5260A) + Waveguide T/R module with a bias-T (up to 110GHz)
  • Pico-probe excitation and detection

Magneto-Optic Kerr Effect

Optical system for measuring hysteresis curves in ultrathin magnetic structures.


  • Magnetic Field Range: ± 2.5 kOe
  • Diode laser at 670 nm and 4 mW power
  • High-quality polarizers
  • Temperature Range: 20 K - 400 K

Molecular Beam Epitaxy

  • mbeUltra-high vacuum chamber for deposition and in-situ characterization of ultrathin magnetic films.
  • Growth Chamber
    • 8 thermal evaporation sources and linear 4 pocket e-gun
    • Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction
    • Residual Gas Analyzer unit
    • Thickness monitor
  • Analysis Chamber
    • Low Energy Electron Diffraction units
    • Auger Electron Spectroscopy and Ion Sputtering units
  • k-Space Associate CCD Camera system (KSA400) for data acquisition of diffraction images
  • Base pressure of 10-10 TorrSophisticated sample manipulator with five degrees of freedom operating at 150-1000 K