Society of Physics Student
What is the Society of Physics Students?
The Society of Physics Students is a professional association explicitly designed for students. Membership, through collegiate chapters, is open to anyone interested in physics. The only requirement for membership is that you be interested in physics. Besides physics majors, our members include majors in chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, and other fields. Within the SPS, Sigma Pi Sigma, a nationally recognized scholastic honor society, elects members on the basis of outstanding academic achievement. This two-in-one Society operates within the American Institute of Physics (AIP).
Why Join SPS?
The SPS exists to help students transform themselves into contributing members of the professional community. Course work develops only one range of skills. Other skills needed to flourish professionally include effective communication and personal interactions, leadership experience, establishing a personal network of contacts, presenting scholarly work in professional meetings and journals, and outreach services to the campus and local communities. Locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally, the SPS offers the opportunity for these important enrichments to the students experience.
How Much Does it Cost?
To cover in part, the cost of the Societys services, members pay annual national dues of $20.00. Dues for those with non-US addresses is $30.00. The remaining costs are covered by AIP funds. Members receive a membership card and may purchase lapel emblems or pins. Local dues are set by the individual chapters.
The Good Stuff
Upon payment of your $20.00 dues, you will receive:
- Physics Today
- The SPS Observer
- Journal of Undergraduate Research in Physics
- Career Placement Services
- Eligibility for scholarships, internships, research & travel grants, and other awards
- Free membership with one AIP Member Society for undergraduates only, for up to three years
The AIP's ten member societies are:
The American Physical Society (APS)
- Promotes the advancement and diffusion of the knowledge of physics and all branches of fundamental and applied physics Optical
Society of America (OSA)
- Devotes itself to the advancement of optics, pure and applied, in all its branches
Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
- Seeks to increase and diffuse the knowledge of acoustics and to promote its practical applications
The Society of Rheology (SoR)
- Promotes the advancement and applications of rheology, the science of deformation and flow of matter, and its applications
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)
- Promotes enhancing the understanding and appreciation of physics through teaching
American Astronomical Society (AAS)
- Promotes the advancement of astronomy and closely related branches of science
American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM)
- Seeks to promote the application of physics to medicine and biology
AVS Science and Technology Society
- Promotes communication, dissemination of knowledge, recommended practices, research, and education in the use of vacuum and other controlled environments to develop new materials, process technology, devices, and related understanding of material properties for the betterment of humanity
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Promotes the scientific study of the Earth and its environment in space