Physics & Energy Science Programs
The department students take a problem-solving approach to situations.Undergraduate Programs
Physics, BS
The Bachelor of Science (BS) program in Physics is designed to help students attain their professional goals in physics. There are four options within the program to enable students to achieve their particular educational objectives:
- Traditional Physics
- Solid State Physics
- Energy Science
- Secondary Education
Physics Minor
The Physics Minor is designed to introduce students to physics courses and applications.
Energy Science Minor
The energy science minor is designed to help prepare students for careers in energy fields.

Graduate Programs
Physics, MSc
The Master of Science in Physics provides a high-quality educational experience for students who seek coursework and/or an advanced degree in physics. Integrally linked to this purpose is our intent that the Master's degree enhances our undergraduate program while it complements related graduate programs at UCCS.
Physics, PhD
The Physics Department offers a program leading to a Ph.D. in Applied Science with a specialization in Physics.
For a summary of our department's primary research interests and programs, please visit the Research page.

Physics & Energy Science Courses
The Department of Physics & Energy Science at UCCS offers undergraduate and graduate courses for degree and non-degree seeking students.